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Community Update – January 24, 2022

Meet the Montclair POA Board of Directors Candidates Get to know the Candidates before Conversation with the Candidates, please go to: and click the “Meet the Candidates” icon!

Initial Construction Subcommittee – ICC Do you have experience in construction, engineering or home building? If so, the MPOA needs your help and expertise on the ICC. For more information or a volunteer application, please visit, Article 3 Committees & Committee Volunteer Application.

Kid’s Dominion - Repairs Please be advised that one of the tunnels & the connecting slide at Kid's Dominion have broken and is off-limits. The Operations Manager has been in contact with a vendor, and the option to repair is not possible. A replacement has been ordered and may take up to 3 months for delivery and installation. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Pictures – Send them in! If you love taking pictures of your family, events, nature, etc….send them to They could be featured in the Montclairion!

Upcoming Meetings

Budget & Finance Committee – 1/24 @ 5:30PM

Events Committee – 1/24 @ 7:00PM

SPECIAL Board Meeting – 1/24 @ 7:30PM

*For the Purpose of Considering Tree Removal Proposal and Membership Meeting Guidelines*

Communications Committee – 1/25 @ 7:00PM

RIM Team – 1/26 @ 4:00PM

Triathlon Committee – 1/26 @ 7:00PM

Covenants Committee – 1/27 @ 7:00PM

COVID Vaccine Information

The Prince William Health District What You Should Know:

The Federal Government is making 400 million N95 masks available to Americans for free.

• Federal Government is making available 400 million N95 masks from the Strategic National Stockpile for free to Americans.

• N95 masks will be available for the public to pick up at tens of thousands of local pharmacies and thousands of community health center sites across the country.

• The Federal Government is starting to ship masks at the end of this week, and masks will start to be available at pharmacies and community health centers late next week. The program will be fully up and running by early February. This is the largest deployment of personal protective equipment in U.S. history.

Community Vaccination Center and Manassas Mall

Appointments are highly recommended, walk-ins are welcomed.

Sign up for appointments at for either the CVC or the Manassas Mall vaccine clinic

Community Vaccination Center (CVC)

  • The Prince William CVC is located at the old Gander Mt. building, which is located at 14011 Worth Avenue, Woodbridge, VA 22192.

  • CVC hours: Monday through Saturday 8 am to 6 pm. Accepting Walk-ins.

  • Visit:

Manassas Mall Clinic

  • Prince William Health District at Manassas Mall COVID-19 vaccine clinic (Run by Red Sea) is located 8300 Sudley Rd, Manassas, VA 20109

  • Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted, while vaccine supplies last.

  • Vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, and Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, (including immuno compromised 3rd dose and boosters, according to current recommendations)

Mall Clinic Hours:

  • Monday January 24: 10 am to 6 pm (Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted while vaccines last. vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, Immuno compromised boosters, 16 and older boosters.

  • Wednesday January 26: 10 am to 6 pm (Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted while vaccines last. vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, Immuno compromised boosters, 16 and older boosters.

  • Friday January 28: 10 am to 6 pm (Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted, vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, Immuno compromised boosters, 16 and older boosters.

  • Saturday January 29: 9 am to 5 pm (Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted, vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, Immuno compromised boosters, 16 and older boosters.

  • Visit:

Mobile Clinic Unit

  • Tuesday January 24, from 11:30 am-6:00 pm

  • Todos Supermarket Ballroom, 13905 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Woodbridge VA. 22191

  • Vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, and Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, (including immuno compromised 3rd dose and boosters, according to current recommendations) while vaccine supplies last.

  • No appointments are required. Walk-ins are accepted as long as supplies last. Weather permitting.

  • Thursday January 27, from 11:30 am-6:00 pm

  • Grace United Methodist Church, 9750 Wellington Rd., Manassas VA. 20110

  • Vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, and Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, (including immuno compromised 3rd dose and boosters, according to current recommendations) while vaccine supplies last.

  • No appointments are required. Walk-ins are accepted as long as supplies last. Weather permitting.

Community Testing Center (CTC)

CTC are open Saturday through Thursday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.

Located at 7 County Complex Court, Woodbridge, VA. 22192

Pfitzner Stadium/White Tent

1. If you can’t make it to your appointment or find another testing location, please cancel your appointment. This will free up appointments for other residents.

2. If you go to the scheduling site online and can’t find the CTC location, it could mean that all the appointments have been taken. Keep checking, expand your search to 100 miles and increase the number of days - the time span - you are searching.

3. CTCs are closed on Fridays, and are Blackout days to allow our lab partners to get results back. On Fridays at noon, appointments open up for Saturday & Sunday appointments.

4. Can’t find an appointment. When there are no more appointments available you can not book for a later date, or more than 2 days out. Make sure your search uses 100 mile radious. Try back another day for appointment availability.

5. NOTE: Some CTCs are currently managing delays of test results. ANSWER: The delays have been caused by a variety of issues that include incorrect contact information, inconclusive tests that required additional evaluation, an interface issue with the VASE+ reporting system and the weather. The VDH CTC team and its partners are currently working on the problem and have started contacting the individuals who have been impacted. Please Do not call PWHD clinics or offices for results or issues. Call the VDH call center at 877-VAX-IN-VA (877) 829-4682 TTY users call 7-1-1.



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