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Community Update - API Addresses 6-12-2020

Covenants Department: API Address Posting

The following Montclair Streets will have Annual Precinct Inspections (API) beginning on June 15, 2020:

Golf Club, Rhame, Ridgecrest, Ridgewood, and Groveside

Thank you.

Covenants Corner – Annual Inspections to Begin

The Covenants Department will begin Annual Inspections on June 15th. The purpose of Annual Inspections is to help improve the enforcement of the MPOA Declarations and Guidelines throughout the community. Regular inspections are also key to maintaining property values and to keep Montclair a pleasant and beautiful neighborhood for all residents to enjoy.

The process entails a detailed inspection of every home and lot. With nearly 4,000 homes in Montclair, this process can last through fall.

What is the process for annual Inspections? When inspections begin, Covenants inspectors will walk every street in Montclair inspecting each individual home and lot. Any items found to be in violation of the community’s covenants will be noted and the owner will be sent a notice of non-compliance. This letter will provide the owner with the nature of the violation and the compliance date by which to correct the violation. If the violation has not been corrected by the compliance date, the Covenants inspector will return to conduct a re-inspection and a second notice of non-compliance will be issued. At that time, the owner will have two (2) weeks to correct the violation. If the violations still have not been corrected after the two weeks, the inspector will conduct another re-inspection and issue a third notice of non-compliance known as a hearing notification. A hearing before the Board of Directors is scheduled in which a homeowner can discuss the non-compliance before the Board. The homeowner must contact the office in writing within seven (7) days of the date of the letter to let staff know if they wish to attend the hearing. Failure to attend the hearing will result in the loss of the homeowner’s opportunity to be heard. At this hearing, the Board will decide whether to impose covenant violation charges and suspend privileges. Extensions for correction of violations are considered on a case-by-case basis and all decisions made by the Board of Directors are final. If you have any questions about your letter, please call the MPOA office at (703) 670-6187 to speak with the Covenants staff.

Will someone be on my property? Covenants Inspector Melissa Johnson, Robert Royster, and Covenants Manager Armin Neuman will be inspecting homeowners’ properties for annual inspections. Inspectors will perform most inspections from public areas, but have the right to go onto an owner’s property to evaluate potential violations. Before entering rear yards, inspectors will first notify the resident. All Covenants staff members are assigned specific MPOA shirts and will be wearing photo identification badges. The vehicles of Covenants staff will be clearly marked with specific MPOA magnets as well. If you have any questions regarding inspections or notices, staff is available to assist you between 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Preparing Your Home – Article 5 of the community guidelines is available for download at and contains information on what items are and are not permitted and what can be considered a violation. Some of the most common violations can be addressed prior to annual inspections to prevent receiving a violation notice and include:

  • Checking for mold, dirt or other discoloration on siding and gutters;

  • Inspect all window, door, and other miscellaneous wood trim for mold, discoloration, or rot;

  • Make sure trash and recycling containers are stored out of public view, except on trash days;

  • Prune any over grown landscaping and, in the warmer months, cut grass regularly;

  • Keep all items on the entire property stored in a neat and orderly fashion;

  • Ensure that home numbers are visible on the home as well as affixed on the mailbox.

Website and Facebook updates – Be sure to look out for Annual Inspections updates on the MPOA Facebook page and website. We will post a week-by-week schedule to indicate which streets will be inspected. The schedule could change due to inclement weather. We appreciate your efforts to ensure that Montclair continues to be a pleasant and beautiful neighborhood for all residents.

Photos Wanted

On June 5th proud Parents organized a Graduation Parade for Class of 2020 students up and down Waterway Drive. Anyone that would like to share a photo or two for inclusion in the July Montclarion, please forward them to no later than June 15th. Thank you!

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