Community Update 4-27-2020
Please don’t leave your dog’s mess behind The weather is getting warmer and the MPOA office has been receiving complaints of residents not picking up after their pets. There have been reports of residents leaving behind fecal matter on personal and common area property. Please be considerate of your neighbors by picking up after your pets during your daily walks.
Earth Day – 50 Years!! On April 22nd the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day was celebrated! While the day has passed, we should keep it in our hearts all year long.
Here’s a few tips to help the earth in Montclair…
Help clean the planet by spending time picking up litter around the neighborhood.
Brainstorm energy-friendly ideas for around the house. Cut back on energy waste, such as switching to LED bulbs, turning off the AC when you’re not home is a few ideas.
Start a compost bin in your backyard. This eco-friendly way of disposing of veggie scraps and other bio-degradable waste products not only cuts back on the amount of trash you produce, but it creates a nutrient-rich compost mixture that can give your garden a boost! (Please refer to Community Guideline 5.4.5 Compost Piles).
MPOA Amenities & Events
Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, the Board of Directors has taken into consideration the use of many of its Amenities throughout the Community and the current Executive Order for Social Distancing. The following will be CLOSED (signs posted) and off limits until approximately June 15, 2020: The bathrooms at Dolphin Beach, Pavilion at Dolphin Beach, Grills, Water fountain, Basketball courts, Play Grounds, Picnic Tables & Picnic Areas.
The following Events have been postponed, new dates are yet to be determined: Community Yard Sale, Lantern Launch, Montclair Day, Triathlon, Teen Beach Party and Pre-Teen Beach Party.
MPOA Assessments – Due May 1st!! The Montclair Property Owners Association current assessment for Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 is $570.00. Assessments are collected annually, in advance, due and payable on the first day of May. For the current Fiscal Year, Owners may elect to pay the annual assessment in Ten (10) consecutive, monthly installments of $57.00 plus a $2.00 service fee beginning May 1 or pay for the year in full. Please note that if you currently have a balance on your account and elect to pay for the year in full, the balance will be deducted from annual payment first, and the remaining credit will revert to monthly installment. So please check your account!
Upcoming Meetings – April Board Meeting
The Link to the April Board Meeing: and the password: Mpoa4080!
As social distancing continues to require that we remain separated, many of the committees have decided to conduct their monthly meetings virtually with Zoom. Please check for the most up-to-date information. Please contact the MPOA Office for information on how to join or call into a meeting.