Community News 3/30/2020
Montclair Community News – March 30, 2020
Hippity, Hop, the Easter Egg Hunt fun can’t be stopped.
The Easter Egg Hunt is canceled but that doesn’t mean the fun will stop! The Events Committee is asking residents to color an Easter egg and decorate it however you want – think sparkles, bright colors, ribbon, whatever you’re inspired by! – and place it in your front windows by Friday, April 3, 2020. Then, from April 4 thru April 11, residents can walk around the neighborhood to “hunt” for all the eggs. You can also email in a picture of your Easter egg to the Events Manager, Pam, at to be eligible to win a gift card for the best decorated egg.
We’re Just a Phone Call Away
The MPOA Office is open for business but closed to in-person visits until further notice. Have a question? You can reach someone at the MPOA Office at (703) 670–6187 Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., or until 8 p.m. on Wednesdays April through October. Or you may call First Service Residential Customer Care 24/7 at (703) 385–1133. Or reach us online at A complete list of emails and phone numbers can be found on page 4 of the March issue of The Montclairion. You can also find resident information and forms online at
A Note from the MPOA Covenants Department
The covenants department will continue to perform essential inspections and re-inspections but will refrain from general violation inspections, Annual Precinct Inspections (APIs), and processing until further notice.
Reminder from MPOA Operations
The pet waste stations throughout the community should only be used for disposing of pet waste. Please do not use these stations for your household trash.
Controlled-access at West Beach and Dolphin Beach
We are moving toward a more modern system of controlled access at the beaches, specifically at the bathrooms at Dolphin Beach and the first gate at West Beach. The finalization of the installation was delayed, therefore, they are not currently functioning and require additional work. We will update you on the progress as we know more.
Warning about Spillway Riser
Jumping off the Spillway Riser platform within the debris boom area is prohibited and may result in serious injury or death. The Spillway Riser has inlets on three sides of the riser that are located just below the surface. There is a constant flow of water into the inlets and the system is designed to keep the lake at normal pool. The suction force can range from minimal to perilous, making escape impossible, even for the strongest of swimmers. The strong suction force is evident by the bowing of the debris boom when the siphon has been activated. People may underestimate this danger because no apparent suction is presently observed. This is an extremely dangerous area due to life-threatening suction forces that may be encountered if the primary spillway siphon activates. Entering the area within the debris boom while the siphon is activated, can cause death from the victim being trapped against the trash racks and drowning. As beach season approaches, please talk to your family members about the dangers of playing around or jumping off the Spillway Riser.
Upcoming Meetings
Over the next few weeks, many meetings are being postponed, canceled or are offering a teleconferencing option. Please check for the most up-to-date information. Please contact the MPOA Office for information on how to call into a meeting.