Community Update 8/2/19
Montclair Community News – August 2, 2019
Block Party Weekend
August 10-11, 2019 NO RAIN DATE
Dust off that casserole dish and fire up the grill for Montclair’s Block Party Weekend! Join your friends and neighbors for a get-together on August 10 and 11. Whether it’s hot dogs on Hopkins or potato salad on Prestwick, gather together and have a great time. Don’t forget to send your photos to!
Beer on the Beach
Friday, August 16, 2019: David Andrew Smith
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Dolphin Beach NO RAIN DATE
BYOB, relax, and enjoy some live music on the beloved Dolphin Beach.
Recommended for ages 21 and up. Personal grills are not allowed. GLASS BOTTLES ARE PROHIBITED. Coolers will be checked before entry. The beach will be closed promptly at 9 p.m. All residents must present a 2019 Recreation Photo ID to enter events. Limit 2 guests per ID on event days. Community events are for residents.
Summer Movie Night
Saturday, August 17: Spider Man - Into the Spider Verse
Sunset-End of Movie Dolphin Beach NO RAIN DATE
Popcorn will be provided. Personal grills are not allowed. GLASS BOTTLES ARE PROHIBITED. Coolers will be checked before entry. The beach will be closed promptly at the end of the movie. All residents must present a 2019 Recreation Photo ID to enter events. Limit 2 guests per ID on event days. Community events are for residents.
Covenants Committee Requesting Community Input on Shed Guidelines
The Covenants Committee will discuss an update to the Community Guidelines for sheds and outdoor storage containers at their August 22, 2019 meeting. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with the shed and storage container discussion starting at approximately 7:30 p.m. Please join us and provide comments, ask questions, or offer suggestions to the proposed guideline update.
Saturday September 21, 2019
3:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Dolphin Beach NO RAIN DATE
Parking - Bus Routes/Bike Parking – Must present Rec ID for entry to event and bus Don’t go looking around for a parking spot at Dolphin Beach: we are providing free transportation to and from Dolphin Beach for all major festivals! The bus will run 2:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. The Dolphin Beach parking lot will be closed. Bus will only stop at designated bus stops for safety purposes. If there is no one at the stop, the bus will proceed to the next stop. A picture of the bus route will be published on the Montclair website, public MPOA Facebook page, and via email blast. Bus stops will be adorned with a red bow. There will be a designated parking space on a first come, first served basis for bike parking - near the entrance to Spillway Lane and the Dam. It will be labeled, so keep an eye out!
Oktoberfest Parking, Road Closure & RESTRICTED ACCESS Notice Those who live past the intersection of Boxwood Dr. and Dolphin Dr. were sent a letter regarding the scheduled road blockage for the September 21st event (3 p.m. – 10 p.m.) at Dolphin Beach. Event attendees are encouraged to use the bus transportation or utilize the bicycle parking. Please be kind to your neighbor’s property when parking and be sure to follow all traffic laws. Residents that park beyond the blockage will be asked to move their cars (homeowners in the impacted area are an exception).
The parking lot at Dolphin Beach will be closed from September 19th through September 23rd. On September 21st from 12 p.m. – 3 p.m., Dolphin Beach and the parking lot will be closed in preparation for the biggest event this fall! Event structures, such as festival tents and portable restrooms, will be placed on-site and require delivery, assembly, disassembly, and pick-up.
To ensure the safety of residents, only MPOA Staff, Designated Event Volunteers, Vendors and Contractors will be permitted in the area during this time. Please direct any questions or concerns to the MPOA Events Manager, Kat Egly, at