2019 Boat Auction
The MPOA will auction off all unclaimed or abandoned boats found on Lake Montclair, or boats located on the West Beach boat racks with expired/no registration stickers. Bids will be accepted beginning Monday, April 1st. Boats available for bidding will be located in the West Beach parking lot and clearly marked with a numbered sticker. Only bids from owners in good standing will be accepted. Limit one bid per household. To place a bid, please complete the 2019 Boat Auction form located online at www.montclairva.com or at the MPOA office. Forms may be submitted in the following ways:
Email: info@montclairva.com
Fax: (703) 670-9620
In-Person: MPOA office or left in the drop box after hours
All bids must be received no later than 5 p.m. Monday, April 15th. Winning bidders will be notified by Monday, April 22nd.