Electronic Voting Deadline – March 7
The MPOA would like to request your help. We have been receiving ballots for the Annual Meeting and unfortunately, have received a minimal amount of cast votes. We need 250 more votes to ensure minimum voting requirements are met. Failure to meet quorum may require another meeting to vote on the budget at the expense of the membership. Meeting quorum is important to allow the business of the Association to be carried out and an orderly transition to a new Board of Directors. All Owners in good standing are encouraged to cast their vote and make their voice heard for this year’s At-Large election.
All electronic ballots must be submitted by 5:00 pm Thursday, March 7. In person voting will also take place on the day of the Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 9. Registration opens at 9:00 am and the Annual Meeting begins at 10:00 am.
We ask that you please take a few moments and vote. Every vote counts and is important for the success of the MPOA.