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Dock Insurance/ Boat Registration- Coming Soon!

All hands hoay! Don’t forget starting October 1 the MPOA will begin accepting applications for renewed dock and shoreline improvement permits and boat registration forms for the 2018-2019 season. Both forms and their corresponding documentation must be submitted to the MPOA office by October 31. Residents who do not register their boats by November 10 will incur a $15 late fee. Residents who do not renew their dock and shoreline improvement permit registration will incur a $200 late fee unless proof is presented by November 10 that insurance was in effect since November 1, 2018. For those of you currently storing or planning to store your boat(s) at West Beach, please be reminded that West Beach is still currently closed. You must still renew your boat registration at this time. Once West Beach has been reopened, you will be able to access your boat to place the new registration sticker on it. A communication will be issued once West Beach is accessible to do so.

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