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Guideline Changes Effective May 1

The following guidelines will go into effect starting May 1,

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Amendments to community Guidelines Article 3 Section 3.1.3 Attendance Attendance of committee members at monthly or scheduled committee meetings is vital to conduct business and vote on actions pending before the committee. Since quorum is required to vote on actions during a meeting, the following rules will apply to all Committees. Any member who has missed two-consecutive meetings will be considered inactive and not considered in determining quorum. Any member of the committee who misses three-consecutive meetings or half of the yearly meetings will no longer be considered a member of the committee. It will be the responsibility of the chairman to keep track of meeting attendance; a committee member may request an appeal to the attendance guideline (i.e., medical emergency, Temporary Duty, Military Orders, etc.) but the request for appeal will be left up to the Board of Directors in consultation with the chairman. through request to the committee chairperson. The request for appeal will be recorded in meeting minutes and duly reported to the Board of Directors.

Amendments to community Guidelines Article 5 Section 5.4.33 Requirements and Restrictions (a) With the exception of basketball goals and single seat tree swings, and unless the topography will not accommodate it, recreation and play equipment will only be allowed in rear yards and must be stored out of public view when not in use. Exceptions may be made for topography issues on a case by case basis.

Amendments to community Guidelines Article 5 Section 5.4.36 Satellite Dishes & Antennas Pre-Approved: Satellite dishes: that meet the following requirements: Do not exceed 1 meter or 39” in diameter; Located on the rear roof below the peak line; and Properly installed so that the wiring is tightly secured to the mounting surface in the event that the wiring cannot be tucked under the trim or siding to minimize visual impact. Antennas: None Quick Track: None

  • Satellite dishes that meet all of the Pre-Approved requirements except the location of the dish.

  • Antennas: None

Requirements and Restrictions:

b. No existing tree or vegetation shall be completely removed to accommodate satellite dish installation or reception. Trimming or pruning is acceptable if the tree or vegetation is within the homeowner’s lot.

c. Screening (fencing, shrubbery, etc.) may be requested in order to render the installation as inoffensive as possible to other owners and residents.

d. Antennas:

  • Exterior antennas, with the exception of satellite dish antennas, must be affixed to the house;

  • may not exceed 12 feet in height from the peak of the roof;

  • shall be on a single pole.

  • No existing tree or vegetation shall be completely removed to accommodate satellite dish installation or reception. Trimming or pruning is acceptable if the tree or vegetation is within the homeowner’s lot.

  • Screening (fencing, shrubbery, etc.) may be requested in order to render the installation as inoffensive as possible to other owners and residents.

Full guidelines may be found here.

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