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Reservations for Kids’ Dominion

Starting April 26, the MPOA will begin accepting picnic area reservations for the Recreation Season. Owing to the Spillway Alteration project, reservations will only be taken for Kids’ Dominion. Dolphin Beach, West Beach, and Beaver Landing will not be open this summer and therefore their respective pavilions cannot be set aside for reservations. Reservations will be accepted on differing dates depending on the nature of the group making the reservation, 30 Days Prior to Kids’ Dominion Opening – Thursday, April 26: Reservations accepted for use by members, their families and informal groups comprised primarily of Montclair residents; 21 Days Prior to Kids’ Dominion Opening – Monday, May 7: Reservations accepted for use by Non-profit organizations based in Montclair and public schools serving the Montclair community; 14 Days Prior to Kids’ Dominion Opening – Monday, May 14: Reservations accepted for use by Non-profit, social and informal organizations not based in Montclair (e.g. church groups). While the group may be based outside of Montclair, the person making the reservation must be a resident of Montclair.

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