Final Summer Movie Night of the Season!
If you missed the first two movie nights, no worries! Come join us for the adventure of four teens whose video game magically sends them...
Block Party Weekend
Enjoy hanging out with neighbors, while eating delish food and dancing in the streets this weekend. Don’t forget to send your fun photos...
Oktoberfest volunteers – Now seeking
Have fun meeting and interacting with your fellow residents while volunteering for one of Montclair’s biggest events! Students can also...
Budget and Finance committee meeting
If you are interested in attending, the meeting will be held August 23 at 7 p.m. All homeowners in good standing may fill out the...
August 8 Board Meeting
The Board of Directors will meet Wednesday, August 8 ,2018 at the MPOA office. Executive (closed) Session will begin at 7 p.m. Click here...
Don't forget! Send us your first day of school photos!
Summer vacation time is coming to an end, and a new school year upon us! Parents are encouraged to send photos of their children’s first...
Spillway Project Update
Dear Montclair owners, The spillway project continues to go very smoothly, only recently experiencing a minor delay due to the exorbitant...
Summer Movie Night
Montclair’s summer movie night series wraps up with a showing of Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. Find out what happens when four...
Annual Inspections to Continue
Annual Inspections will continue this week, weather permitting with the following streets; [if !supportLists]- [endif]Avon [if...
New Guideline Changes
Starting August 1, the following guideline changes to Article 4, Section 4.6.1 Areas Contiguous to Lake Montclair will be effective, ...